I just can't shake it. I'm always late. you know how some people have no depth perception? I have no time perception. I cannot gage the span of time. 2 mins feels like 2 hours, and 2 hours like 2 mins. lol. if you ask me how far away I am, i say, 5 minutes which means 30 minutes or i say 5 minutes, and i'm around the corner.
I see the time too and realize i'm late, and rush, but still, it will take me another hour just to do what i have to do or get to where i have to get.
Im bad with anything time related too. telling time? hate it. alarm clocks? hate em! i dont even wake up to them anymore. and people please dont give me a freaking time ultimatum. "if you are not ready by..." of course i wont be ready by then. WTH?
lol I try too! all my clocks are roughly 20 mins fast. I have people sometimes set the clock for me at some time 20-28 min ahead of the actual time. So i dont really know who many minutes it is. I just know it is roughly 20 mins. so if I need to go somewhere, i need to plan to be there on time, which is really 20 minutes ahead, but because of my lateness, this only helps me small small. I end up still being 15 minutes late, which based on the way my clocks are set, is actually 35 mins late because i should have been there 20 minutes early. lol does that make sense? not really, but still time is a problem.
Lord give me the strength to overcome this. I'm trying.
I'll keep you updated on the time dilema. wonder if i will change.
This is the diary of a Gidi Girl or one in the making. I may be a Nigerian girl in America now, but my hopes and dreams take me to Nigeria; Lagos to be specific. I don’t know how or when I’m going to get there, but I will! Follow me on my journey which hopefully should lead me back to Lagos, Nigeria aka Las Gidi. Fasten your seatbelts Ladies and Gentlemen, it may be a bumpy ride!!!!!
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Hey! We did it!!!! The premiere of Gidi Girls Webshow!!!!
Had a blast this past weekend working with my Gidi Girl Bee and Homeboy T! We finished filming Gidi Girls Premiere! I love those 2. They keep me smiling and crazy! They came to Lansing. I showed them the cow fields, the down town, and east lansing. They said "thats it?" I took them out saturday night. We stopped by a house party. They said it was very musty and small. Well we all can't have huge grown and sexy house parties like awon chicago. lol Bee sais she wants to kidnap me from the nightmare. lol i guess that's michigan for ya. i love it tho.
Anyway when they came we had drama from the begining. i was sleeping. and people who know me know i cant wake up for anything. alarm, fire, food, anything. sleep is sleep and i like it... i love it! So they waited outside my house for 2 hours calling me (32 missed calls) textin me, and banging on the door. We tried to re-enact it in a skit int he show.
Speaking of the show. I just want to say that I am proud of myself. We took something that was originally a joke about creating a gidi girl music group, that evolved to a crazy video, that evolved to us making a weekly webshow. we talked about it, and in less than a week, we delivered on our promise. I am so proud. Bee and I do everything! camera (sometimes T does this) skits, scripts, editing, blogging, promoting, recruiting guests, etc. So I almost cried that all our hard work paid off. 2 Ijebu babes hustlin! I love it! Nothing more cool than 2 women working hard to see something through.
I had a not so cool moment though... I really dont know sometimes why someone would try to pit to friends against eachother. lol some people are so silly. a PERSON tried to make waves by badmouthing a homegirl of mine to me. lol that stuff doesnt work when friends are strong sweetie! Keep it moving. She's ma homegirl. your comments are MUTE! lol.
Now that that's done... Lets talk about Olu Maintain. I saw him in April at this Encomium Magazine event in those white saudi arabian garb and a harem in all white. I was like WTH? But I still love him as an artist. His CD came out yesterday... Lol we talk about it in the show... "with all due respect... press play" .... i will here in refer to it as press play. lol too many words are bad for my health. But the CD is suppose to be hot. I will try to get one if I can soon, but I dont know if It will be on sale here. maybe online.
Yes its us. Bee and Angel http://gidigirlwebshow.blogspot.com/2009/07/season-premiere-of-gidi-girls-webshow_28.html
Anyway when they came we had drama from the begining. i was sleeping. and people who know me know i cant wake up for anything. alarm, fire, food, anything. sleep is sleep and i like it... i love it! So they waited outside my house for 2 hours calling me (32 missed calls) textin me, and banging on the door. We tried to re-enact it in a skit int he show.
Speaking of the show. I just want to say that I am proud of myself. We took something that was originally a joke about creating a gidi girl music group, that evolved to a crazy video, that evolved to us making a weekly webshow. we talked about it, and in less than a week, we delivered on our promise. I am so proud. Bee and I do everything! camera (sometimes T does this) skits, scripts, editing, blogging, promoting, recruiting guests, etc. So I almost cried that all our hard work paid off. 2 Ijebu babes hustlin! I love it! Nothing more cool than 2 women working hard to see something through.
I had a not so cool moment though... I really dont know sometimes why someone would try to pit to friends against eachother. lol some people are so silly. a PERSON tried to make waves by badmouthing a homegirl of mine to me. lol that stuff doesnt work when friends are strong sweetie! Keep it moving. She's ma homegirl. your comments are MUTE! lol.
Now that that's done... Lets talk about Olu Maintain. I saw him in April at this Encomium Magazine event in those white saudi arabian garb and a harem in all white. I was like WTH? But I still love him as an artist. His CD came out yesterday... Lol we talk about it in the show... "with all due respect... press play" .... i will here in refer to it as press play. lol too many words are bad for my health. But the CD is suppose to be hot. I will try to get one if I can soon, but I dont know if It will be on sale here. maybe online.
Yes its us. Bee and Angel http://gidigirlwebshow.blogspot.com/2009/07/season-premiere-of-gidi-girls-webshow_28.html
Friday, July 24, 2009
TGI Friiiiiiiiday!!!!
So I'm so happy today is friday! This week has been so eventful and uneventful all at the same time. My being sick was a downer, but I got a lot on my To Do list done. I finally cleaned my room. It's amazing how much more positive and light I feel when my room is clean. The dirty room thing was a product of the overwhelming amount of clothes that needed to get put away after my last trip to Gidi and the subsequent domestic travel. Anyway it's all clean!!!!
I'm so glad it's clean because my Gidi Girl Bee is coming with my fam friend T. It's on and popping this weekend!!!! lol yeah right! we are probably going to just hang out. Anyway Im excited none the less.
What I'm not excited about is people that dont stick to their word. I can't stand that! If you are gonna be a woman or a man, you have to be trust worthy and credible. I will talk about this more in my www.TwinkleToesKB.blogspot.com .
Anyway yesterday was hella cool. After getting some school stuff done, I hung out with my friend/creative director/talent scout/entertainer/soccer supa star/crooner/beat maker/camera man/student/naija guy K. K is super cool and crazy. K has offered to make the intro song for Gidi Girls Webshow www.gidigirlwebshow.blogspot.com . This is if Naeto C cannot be reached or does not let us use his Gidi Girl Swag song... Please Naeto C let us use it. Help a sistah out!!! Sho mo? Lol!
Anyway hanging out with K, we talked, we chilled, he taught me to play the guitar! The only other thing i learned on guitar was stairway to heaven on an eletric guitar like 5 years ago! Anyway our mini jam session was cool. Then he played some beats for me!!!! Dude is so talented. We freestyled to the beats. He's up and coming. His beats are SICK! Maybe later I will post a youtube of one of his stuff.
Tomorrow is the MNIA Assignment 1 deadline. I will tape a video of the assignment too! check out www.MissAdelaja.blogspot.com for that.
I'm so glad it's clean because my Gidi Girl Bee is coming with my fam friend T. It's on and popping this weekend!!!! lol yeah right! we are probably going to just hang out. Anyway Im excited none the less.
What I'm not excited about is people that dont stick to their word. I can't stand that! If you are gonna be a woman or a man, you have to be trust worthy and credible. I will talk about this more in my www.TwinkleToesKB.blogspot.com .
Anyway yesterday was hella cool. After getting some school stuff done, I hung out with my friend/creative director/talent scout/entertainer/soccer supa star/crooner/beat maker/camera man/student/naija guy K. K is super cool and crazy. K has offered to make the intro song for Gidi Girls Webshow www.gidigirlwebshow.blogspot.com . This is if Naeto C cannot be reached or does not let us use his Gidi Girl Swag song... Please Naeto C let us use it. Help a sistah out!!! Sho mo? Lol!
Anyway hanging out with K, we talked, we chilled, he taught me to play the guitar! The only other thing i learned on guitar was stairway to heaven on an eletric guitar like 5 years ago! Anyway our mini jam session was cool. Then he played some beats for me!!!! Dude is so talented. We freestyled to the beats. He's up and coming. His beats are SICK! Maybe later I will post a youtube of one of his stuff.
Tomorrow is the MNIA Assignment 1 deadline. I will tape a video of the assignment too! check out www.MissAdelaja.blogspot.com for that.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Last weekend
Last weekend was suppose to be a Harry Potter Party weekend. But as usual, after talking to my fam friend T, I realized chicago sounded much better. chicago always sounds much better! So I got on the train! 2nd time in a row that I was late for the train... (20mins late last time, 45 mins late this time) and I still made it on the train!!! I'm so blessed cuz that train just waited for me! lol!
Anyway I get to chicago and we go to this awesome club called the Shrine. When I heard that I was going to the 'SHRINE' i was freaked out like 'Jesu Christi' walai! lol Just kidding. Anyway this place is awesome. Its an African fusion club. So diverse, hot music, hot dancers, great ambiance, even greater service. Big ups to the owners! they are doing it the RIGHT way. We had fun! check out http://www.theshrinechicago.com/
And i met this amazing guy. I just was introduced to him randomly in greetings. Boooooy! the guy was Hot! My mouth dropped. My eyes hazed. The sea parted! lol! He was cute, tall, professional, naija, Lagos boy sha! Lol but happily married. Womp Womp! so that's a no go! Of course as a respectable man he wasnt interested either. But he was hella cute! It made me wonder. Are all the hot guys taken early in the game of life? those are rare. Will i find my own hot tall professional naija guy?... Will you?
Next night, we go to a Bday party. We thought it would be so so, but it was awesome. Razztastic towards the end when they started playing Wasiu and Co. I loved it. I havent had that much fun in a looooooong time. I have to say that I've never seen such a graceous host. She was so cordial, smiling, and nice. She didnt even know me and she smiled and thanked me for coming. More naija people need to be like that. She was so nice!!! I jsut added her to Facebook too! People you have to enjoy life! You cant go around brooding in life. Keep it moving people. The Bday Lady turned 41 and she is still enjoying, not entertaining drama, letting her best shine. Was definately an example for me. Not all that shakara we naija women like to do. Be cool people. Enjoyment is cool sha!
Sunday was photoshoot day for my Miss MNIA stuff. However, the photographer that I wanted canceled on me!!!! I really wanted to shoot with him because I heard his work was really good and also because he is Nigerian. Well it didnt work out. Maybe next time. Anyway I made due with amateur pics taken by a homegirl in the W hotel. Wow i have to say that the W hotel was so graceous enough to let me take pics there. They were so nice. The manager was a gentleman. Really nice and cute too. hehehe. So people when you go to chicago, if you can afford, stay at the W hotel!!!!!!! Food there was good too! I had the scallops. Yummy. Check out my http://www.missadelaja.blogspot.com/ site for the pics coming soon.
Anyway I lost my voice in Chicago then got a killer sore throat. Which kain sore throat be this? more like a Stress throat. I missed work for 2 days because I couldnt talk. OMG it hurt so badly. honey didnt work, lemon didnt work, NSAIDs didnt work. thank God I'm much better now! Glory to my Father! Halleluiah.
Anyway i always enjoy chicago. I want to move there. I miss my chicago people too! Shout outs to Gidi Girl Bee, Z, homeboys T, BT, L, D, M, and company!!! lol am i reciting the alphabet? lol
Anyway I get to chicago and we go to this awesome club called the Shrine. When I heard that I was going to the 'SHRINE' i was freaked out like 'Jesu Christi' walai! lol Just kidding. Anyway this place is awesome. Its an African fusion club. So diverse, hot music, hot dancers, great ambiance, even greater service. Big ups to the owners! they are doing it the RIGHT way. We had fun! check out http://www.theshrinechicago.com/
And i met this amazing guy. I just was introduced to him randomly in greetings. Boooooy! the guy was Hot! My mouth dropped. My eyes hazed. The sea parted! lol! He was cute, tall, professional, naija, Lagos boy sha! Lol but happily married. Womp Womp! so that's a no go! Of course as a respectable man he wasnt interested either. But he was hella cute! It made me wonder. Are all the hot guys taken early in the game of life? those are rare. Will i find my own hot tall professional naija guy?... Will you?
Next night, we go to a Bday party. We thought it would be so so, but it was awesome. Razztastic towards the end when they started playing Wasiu and Co. I loved it. I havent had that much fun in a looooooong time. I have to say that I've never seen such a graceous host. She was so cordial, smiling, and nice. She didnt even know me and she smiled and thanked me for coming. More naija people need to be like that. She was so nice!!! I jsut added her to Facebook too! People you have to enjoy life! You cant go around brooding in life. Keep it moving people. The Bday Lady turned 41 and she is still enjoying, not entertaining drama, letting her best shine. Was definately an example for me. Not all that shakara we naija women like to do. Be cool people. Enjoyment is cool sha!
Sunday was photoshoot day for my Miss MNIA stuff. However, the photographer that I wanted canceled on me!!!! I really wanted to shoot with him because I heard his work was really good and also because he is Nigerian. Well it didnt work out. Maybe next time. Anyway I made due with amateur pics taken by a homegirl in the W hotel. Wow i have to say that the W hotel was so graceous enough to let me take pics there. They were so nice. The manager was a gentleman. Really nice and cute too. hehehe. So people when you go to chicago, if you can afford, stay at the W hotel!!!!!!! Food there was good too! I had the scallops. Yummy. Check out my http://www.missadelaja.blogspot.com/ site for the pics coming soon.
Anyway I lost my voice in Chicago then got a killer sore throat. Which kain sore throat be this? more like a Stress throat. I missed work for 2 days because I couldnt talk. OMG it hurt so badly. honey didnt work, lemon didnt work, NSAIDs didnt work. thank God I'm much better now! Glory to my Father! Halleluiah.
Anyway i always enjoy chicago. I want to move there. I miss my chicago people too! Shout outs to Gidi Girl Bee, Z, homeboys T, BT, L, D, M, and company!!! lol am i reciting the alphabet? lol
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Day 1- In the Beginning, there was Angel
Since I was young, I wanted to make an impact on the world. It was in college that I realized I could make an impact on Nigeria. Soooooo cliche? Well all I know is that I have made a decision to move to Nigeria to find my place and fulfill my destiny. Lol . Anyway the journey has begun. Along the way I’ll blog about all the crazy things going on in my life. I’ll talk about school, business, pageant life, friends, love and all that pertains to a gidi girl in the making.
So far let me gist you….
School wise, I’m on my grind. I try to balance school and making money. I love my research… BTW I research drugs (Drug abuse and things that pertain to it such as high risk sexual behaviors, mental health, etc) I get tired sometimes, but I can’t wait until I am Dr. Miss Adelaja. Whoo hoo!!!! My boss is cool. He has so many ideas in his head. I love it, but sometimes I get tired. But it’s a rite of passage.
Also I am about making money. I have so many business ideas and not enough me or time to do it all. I need about 10 extra arms like an Indian goddess and a Delorean with a flux capacitor. I love meeting dedicated able minded people that are ready to take on challenges because those are the ones who succeed in life. Keep it up my people. We are of the tribe called hustla.
Part of making money means looking for opportunities to start business in Nigeria. Nigeria, a fertile ground for small businesses. Mmmmmmm. Do you smell that? Smell it! It’s success! When you smell raw sewage, it’s an opportunity. When you see trash, it’s an opportunity. When Okada dey bash your car, and you smell burning petrol leaking from it, IT’s AN OPPORTUNITY!!!!!!!!!!!!
I plan to move to Nigeria ASAP. I love it. I never lived there before, but ‘if you can make it there, you’ll make it anywhere’ and they weren’t talking about New York! Na Gidi be that o! Lol did I mention that I am working on my pidgin?
Other things going on right now? Well, I’m in the Miss Nigeria in America Pageant! MNIA baby! I’m so excited. They have me representing Abia State! I will do it to the fullest! You can read more about that on my other blog. www.MissAdelaja.blogspot.com You can find out about the pageant at www.missnigeriainamerica.org
Also, I have a webshow coming out this Monday July 25th with my Gidi Girl Bee from Naija Villa!!!!! You can check out that blog on www.GidiGirlWebShow.blogspot.com. Follow us on Twitter and Facebook!
Personally my life is cool. I have bad luck with men, but at the end of the day, I’m really enjoying myself. I like being single. I LOVE independence. I REALLY LOVE going on dates. Some are good, some are bad, some just plain ugly. Family is awesome. My parents have mellowed down quite a bit. They are cool. They are like my best friends now. We talk about any and everything.
It may seem like I ramble, but that’s part of my process and you just have to deal with it.
Hope I can keep this blog thing up!
Gidi Girl Angel
So far let me gist you….
School wise, I’m on my grind. I try to balance school and making money. I love my research… BTW I research drugs (Drug abuse and things that pertain to it such as high risk sexual behaviors, mental health, etc) I get tired sometimes, but I can’t wait until I am Dr. Miss Adelaja. Whoo hoo!!!! My boss is cool. He has so many ideas in his head. I love it, but sometimes I get tired. But it’s a rite of passage.
Also I am about making money. I have so many business ideas and not enough me or time to do it all. I need about 10 extra arms like an Indian goddess and a Delorean with a flux capacitor. I love meeting dedicated able minded people that are ready to take on challenges because those are the ones who succeed in life. Keep it up my people. We are of the tribe called hustla.
Part of making money means looking for opportunities to start business in Nigeria. Nigeria, a fertile ground for small businesses. Mmmmmmm. Do you smell that? Smell it! It’s success! When you smell raw sewage, it’s an opportunity. When you see trash, it’s an opportunity. When Okada dey bash your car, and you smell burning petrol leaking from it, IT’s AN OPPORTUNITY!!!!!!!!!!!!
I plan to move to Nigeria ASAP. I love it. I never lived there before, but ‘if you can make it there, you’ll make it anywhere’ and they weren’t talking about New York! Na Gidi be that o! Lol did I mention that I am working on my pidgin?
Other things going on right now? Well, I’m in the Miss Nigeria in America Pageant! MNIA baby! I’m so excited. They have me representing Abia State! I will do it to the fullest! You can read more about that on my other blog. www.MissAdelaja.blogspot.com You can find out about the pageant at www.missnigeriainamerica.org
Also, I have a webshow coming out this Monday July 25th with my Gidi Girl Bee from Naija Villa!!!!! You can check out that blog on www.GidiGirlWebShow.blogspot.com. Follow us on Twitter and Facebook!
Personally my life is cool. I have bad luck with men, but at the end of the day, I’m really enjoying myself. I like being single. I LOVE independence. I REALLY LOVE going on dates. Some are good, some are bad, some just plain ugly. Family is awesome. My parents have mellowed down quite a bit. They are cool. They are like my best friends now. We talk about any and everything.
It may seem like I ramble, but that’s part of my process and you just have to deal with it.
Hope I can keep this blog thing up!
Gidi Girl Angel
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About Me

- MissAdelaja
- I'm Miss Adelaja. I'm a student, an artist, a fashionista, an innovator, and entreprenuer. Watch me as I navigate through this thing called life on a mission to succeed. Who know where it will lead me? US, Naija, Europe, the Moon. Lets go there. I know you will enjoy the ride.