1) Grab your iPod. Strip to your skivvies. and press play to one of your Fav house DJ's or Naija DJs. Now start dancing around in the house. Chairs and tables are not off limits. Do your best Ciara impersonation. Shake the areas you don't normally shake or that are problem areas. Got a Big butt? Shake what your mama gave ya "O Oh O Oh O Oh" like Beyonce. A little too much love in those love handles, twist and gyrate like Shakira. Make Ms. Jackson (Janet) proud. Don't be shy, you are by yourself and it's a great way to feel more comfortable with your body, your sexuality, and great practice for going out dancing with friends and for your significant other.
2) Got a late night craving for Micky D's? Drop those car keys.. WALK your butt there. You either A) get discouraged about the walk and forget about the late night craving, or B) burn the calories off walking there so you feel less guilty eating it... try to stick to something with less calories. They now have the calorie label on the products. You walk may only burn you 200-400 Calories so if you get an item thats 1000 calories or more, then you are putting yourself further from your beach body than just staying at home.
3) Grocery shopping sucks huh? Well why do you need to keep a stocked fridge? Its just a waste of money. If you know what you are going to cook, just buy those ingredients you need .Anything else, snacks or junk, leave them at the grocery store unless its those healthy celery sticks or apples or lots of bottled water. I think its more fun to do other things than grocery shop, and it leaves the temptation out.
4) This kind of goes along with number 1. Girls night out!!!!! Your highest heels and that crazy need to dance for at least 2 hours straight. This doesnt work if you go to the club to form or front. It only works if you are ready to dance like Sasha Fierce. And rather than messing up the calorie count with drinks, have water or a skinny girl margarita... You'll thank me in the morning.
5)Walk the city. If you are a city dweller, you know this can burn some cals. If you are going to go down town to shop with your girls, dont take the bus or subway or car directly to the station closest to the store... go a couple of blocks out of the way. Then get off and walk. You don't realize how far you are walking when you are having a good convo with your girl pals.
7) Did you see Kim Kardashian in that Sketchers shape up commercial? She was sexy right? Mmmmm Hmmm so this bring me to tip number 7. Try to incorporate your SO in your workout routine. Let him stretch your legs for you, spot you as you lift, and hold your legs for you while you do sit ups to a kiss as a reward. It adds spice to the relationship, it get him motivated to work out too, and both of you are happy with a sexy SO with a toned beach body.
8) We all have heard our mothers tell us to sit like a lady... Yeah thats great, but if you are alone in your office or at home, try more awkward positions. It helps increase blood flow, helps stretch your muscles and lets you burn more calories that a traditional sitting position.
9) Group Sports! I know we women think sometimes that we just need to be cute in the gym on the elliptical. Yeah that can get boring really quickly. Try signing up for group activities and sports like volleyball, soccer, softball, crew, or group fitness classes like zumba, belly dancing, flirty girl fitness and taebo. You get the social support to keep doing it from the group. You get positive reinforcement from them too. You make new friends. And believe it or not, some guys like to see and smell their lady sweat especially when their aggressive competitive side comes out. That can be sexy.
10) You didn't think I was gonna go there did you? Well my number ten suggestion is SEX! Yes SEX can be a real calorie burner. But you just cant lay there. Take charge. prolong the act. Try different positions. Stretch your muscles. You are not doing it right until you get muscle cramps. Its something that works all parts of your body. Especially your legs and your abs. (DISCLAIMER: This is something that I suggest to be done within the bounds of marriage and with proper protection if you are unable to stick to the confines of marriage) hehe had to put it there.
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