Let me start by saying.. in Job 33:15, the bible defines a dream as "in a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falleth upon men, in slumberings upon the bed.
Okay so those that read my blog know that I had a zombie dream. Well actually, for the past few days, I've been having really vivid crazy dreams. Some were really scary, some based on my real life, some based in fiction. Its even more weird when you have no meaning to what you are dreaming. So after church yesterday, and after talking to a friend of mine about another dream I had, I drove in my car and started praying to God. I prayed to Him, thanked Him for being my Father, a never ending God, in control of all. I thanked him for being a Magnificent All Powerful God, and all of a sudden I started praying about my dreams. I prayed and asked Him that He take control, that in the bible, there is nothing that says dreams are bad, and that, in fact;God helped Joseph and Daniel decipher dreams. So I asked HIM to reveal to me all my dreams. I told HIM that I am happy i can go to HIM and ask Him for ALL things, and that what I was asking for was that He as the Creator of dreams should also be my Interpretor. I asked that anything the devil tries to put in my head, the Lord should cast out, that I rebuke lies and deceit, because the Lord is the truth and light. I asked that dreams that have no meaning, I should be able to discern from dreams where the Lord is delivering His Word to me. As you know not all dreams are prophetic, some are just dreams, some are lies, and some are visions in sleep of things to come, changeable or unchangeable. I kept asking the Lord to reveal his message to me when there is one. That I am ready for it.
okay lets rewind back... some time ago, my mom had a dream about me, that I would get into a car accident. Before I left on a trip, she called me when she woke and started praying for me. We prayed... and prayed............................... and prayed. And I really dismissed the whole thing. I shouldn't have because God was truly speaking. If my mom didn't pray for me, I would have had a really bad situation. Basically, I was driving, I wasn't tired and I got a great nights sleep the night before, but all of a sudden, sleep befell me, and I fell asleep at the wheel and almost ran into the median. Well actually I did run into the barrier, but only my side mirror and wheel hit. We thank God that I got a phone call that buzzed me awake and got me to have control of the wheel. If I didn't get that call, I would be road kill! We thank God for that intervention. God moved someone to WAKE me. It wasn't my time, and God warned us so we could pray for his favor.
Here's the thing, I pulled into a rest stop which was only half a mile away from where I fell asleep and I called my mom and said "don't ever call me to tell me I will be in an accident!". I was freakin' FREAKED OUT at that time! at that time i didn't realize what I was saying. it was an ungrateful statement. I was basically saying that the Lord should not reveal things to me. so my mom basically put me in check to let me know... HEY! the Lord reveals things to people in many ways and if he has revealed something to someone to give you that message, you should be ready to accept that message at ALL times. Its the difference between life and death. So i really saw what she meant and thanked God and thanked him and thanked him! God is good...
okay going back to my dreams.... so after my prayer, I went on with my day. I even by evening forgot my prayer. I was on to other things... but I am living proof that the Lord does answer prayers... lets get to what I actually want to write about... this is going to be a LONG blog...
Okay so let me start by saying that I am a geek. I love everything scifi... I love zombie movies, vampire movies, alien movies, and high tech end of the world type of movies. As a christian, I know that bad, but I never cut them out. Bad bad me. I watch shows such as Tru Blood, Star Gate SG1, Haven, Eurika, etc.
Anyway last night my favorite cast from Star Gate SG1 was in my dreams. I was there too! Basically, there was something like a virus or bug that was making things rapidly rot. It started slowly and all of a sudden would quickly take over the world without warning and rot everything DEAD! This included the people, including my SG1 cast, you and me. THEN.... We would un-rot, and have a change to try to slow, stop or reverse the "bug". We tried it several times. All sorts of science didn't work! Nothing worked. I woke up, and rather than stay awake, I went back to sleep! I went back to trying to solve it in my dream and I started to pray in my dream. As I was praying I was saying that I am a child of God and that I choose life, not death. I kept saying that the devil has no power over me. somehow the rotting passed me and a few people over as it waved over the earth. and then as usual, it refreshed and the rotting started again, but this time, I knew where it was coming from. there was a bin with maggots/termite type bugs, and they were ready to start rotting evertyhing on earth. The team was recognized with a medal and made in charge of thing, but people didnt realize that it wasnt science that stopped the rot, it was prayer, and when people didnt realize that, the rot came back and even reached the space station where the SG1 team was. Noone was safe. But in praying over and over again, I kept getting spared. and the rot could tell who was of God and who wasn't. It had no effect, and ever ran from those who were God's children. We were ministering to the rot... and I woke up...
WOW. that dream was intense. I got up to go to the bathroom and midstream... yes i started praying and peeing... but mid stream i started praying. I was praying in my mind, and all of a sudden I started praying aloud. I usually dont like to pray aloud because my mouth is not as fast as my mind, but I was moved to pray aloud and it was just as fast as my SPIRIT b/c i was trying to understand what i was praying. Man!!!! what in the world... or I should say what in the heavens... My prayers as I was hearing myself was a revelation of my dream. I kid you not. I just started crying and praying. We thank God!
That revelation was not anything I didn't know. The long and short is that all of this is God's. He is the creator. He has control of all. even the devil. The Lord will allow the devil to test us. After all we all have free will. and get this... we all get 2nd chances. We all get a chance to do it over, but if we keep doing it over the wrong way, then we are choosing death. things of this earth are of the flesh. it may look pretty on the outside, but its really rotting inside. And there is no science or rational that can prevent it. Only the Lord has that power. So why are we looking to science, money, psychics, or things of the flesh? it wont stop the rot. And remember, God only gives us so many chances until our chances are up and he calls us to be judged.
For me, I want to be among the first wave, those that reach the gates and are permitted entry, and if I live to see the End of Days, I want to be part of that Second wave where Jesus calls us up to him. I dont want to stay on this earth to be part of that ROTTING and DEATH. Everlasting LIFE is my portion !!!! We thank God!!!!
So that was my dream!...
On a side note, yesterday in church they talked about spiritual maturity and how you can't be satisfied with just being born again. That maturing in your Christian life is a must! So in my prayer, I thanked him for this step in the process to spiritual maturity. God is calling me to MATURE. Is he calling you? If so, dont let it go to Voicemail, Pick up and answer that Call! Answer each and every time he Calls. Let the Holy Spirit be that special ring tone!
Anyway sorry to get all preachy today, but that dream just moved me this morning. So there you have it. I hope you learned something from this that I'm sharing! We thank God for it....
And BTW, I just found while writing this blog a great webpage that talks about dreams and the bible... a nice read. What does Bible say about DREAMS?
Have a great and bless week folks!
This is the diary of a Gidi Girl or one in the making. I may be a Nigerian girl in America now, but my hopes and dreams take me to Nigeria; Lagos to be specific. I don’t know how or when I’m going to get there, but I will! Follow me on my journey which hopefully should lead me back to Lagos, Nigeria aka Las Gidi. Fasten your seatbelts Ladies and Gentlemen, it may be a bumpy ride!!!!!
Monday, August 30, 2010
The Lord can interpret your Dreams! Just Ask
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- MissAdelaja
- I'm Miss Adelaja. I'm a student, an artist, a fashionista, an innovator, and entreprenuer. Watch me as I navigate through this thing called life on a mission to succeed. Who know where it will lead me? US, Naija, Europe, the Moon. Lets go there. I know you will enjoy the ride.
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