Saturday, September 25, 2010


I really didn't know what to expect when I started watching this show. I thought it would be a xenophobic spoof of The Office that was trying to appeal to displaced Americans in the work force... why would I watch that? well just to see scare tactics that people use to try to divide a country

But to my surprise Outsources is a really funny show. If you are an American, Indian, African, or anything in between and have a sense of humor, you will love this show. Its cute. It has equal opportunity jokes and really tries to combat stereotypes in jest. It also lets us realize how offensive we could be sometimes when we dont know it and makes us more sensitive to other cultures. Take a peak at the pilot episode and let me know if you liked it too!

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I'm Miss Adelaja. I'm a student, an artist, a fashionista, an innovator, and entreprenuer. Watch me as I navigate through this thing called life on a mission to succeed. Who know where it will lead me? US, Naija, Europe, the Moon. Lets go there. I know you will enjoy the ride.