Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Wellness Wednesday

I really care about my health. I try to be proactive, but sometimes it is easy to forget about things or neglect things that are not urgent like seeing your doctor for your yearly exams. As you get older, it’s even more important to do so. Some people put it on the back burner because you don't feel sick or it's not life threatening. But wouldn't you rather find something before it is so severe or while it is still fixable? Some people shy away from doctors because with doctors visits comes BILLS… ewww those dreaded bills.

And if you don’t have insurance, it can be a hassle. Well there are ways around that. In the USA, every state has county or state health centers. They pro-rate the cost of services and have a sliding scale for prescriptions usually. There are also clinics at teaching hospitals where students under supervision of residents and attending can look you over. That’s FREE! There are also Planned Parenthood clinics for reproductive health concerns. If you do some research, you will find answers. Also, there are some very affordable insurance groups out there that have cheap monthly or yearly fees.

(image from ... check out this site, really good stuff)

( , check them out)

Anyway today I went for my yearly check up and my gynecological exam (where they check over your lady bits).

First I have to say that I usually schedule my exams close to my birthday because as I get close to my birthday, I am reminded that I am getting to be a year older, and with age comes maintenance, so it just reminds me to start preventing things like high cholesterol and getting fat by working out more, eating well, and going to see my doctor. It works for me, but something else might work for you.

Secondly, I have to say that I love going because my doctor is awesome! She is the best person for me. She has such an upbeat attitude and comforting demeanor. She helps ease the anxiety that comes with being in a doctor’s office and getting all types of tests run. She makes me feel comfortable enough to talk with her about anything.

NOTE: this is an important part of health care. You are not stuck with just any cracker jack MD with an ego so big that he/she thinks they know what you’ve come for before you open your mouth. You need to doctor shop. See the doctors that accept your insurance and try to go meet with them to see their personality and see if they are right for you. If you don’t like the doctor you have, you can leave. Doctors need to be courteous and give good customer service too. You do have some power.

Anyway some of the other reasons I like my doctor is because the entire health system is digital/paperless. She can see everything from my exam with my gynecologist, ER visits, medications, etc, and it speeds up the process. I was in and out in about less than 45 minutes. I have to say they are fast.

So bottom line… If you haven’t seen a doctor in over a year, please go schedule your visit. It will only be for the better.

Stay Blessed!

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I'm Miss Adelaja. I'm a student, an artist, a fashionista, an innovator, and entreprenuer. Watch me as I navigate through this thing called life on a mission to succeed. Who know where it will lead me? US, Naija, Europe, the Moon. Lets go there. I know you will enjoy the ride.