Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Wellness Wednesday

I really care about my health. I try to be proactive, but sometimes it is easy to forget about things or neglect things that are not urgent like seeing your doctor for your yearly exams. As you get older, it’s even more important to do so. Some people put it on the back burner because you don't feel sick or it's not life threatening. But wouldn't you rather find something before it is so severe or while it is still fixable? Some people shy away from doctors because with doctors visits comes BILLS… ewww those dreaded bills.

And if you don’t have insurance, it can be a hassle. Well there are ways around that. In the USA, every state has county or state health centers. They pro-rate the cost of services and have a sliding scale for prescriptions usually. There are also clinics at teaching hospitals where students under supervision of residents and attending can look you over. That’s FREE! There are also Planned Parenthood clinics for reproductive health concerns. If you do some research, you will find answers. Also, there are some very affordable insurance groups out there that have cheap monthly or yearly fees.

(image from ... check out this site, really good stuff)

( , check them out)

Anyway today I went for my yearly check up and my gynecological exam (where they check over your lady bits).

First I have to say that I usually schedule my exams close to my birthday because as I get close to my birthday, I am reminded that I am getting to be a year older, and with age comes maintenance, so it just reminds me to start preventing things like high cholesterol and getting fat by working out more, eating well, and going to see my doctor. It works for me, but something else might work for you.

Secondly, I have to say that I love going because my doctor is awesome! She is the best person for me. She has such an upbeat attitude and comforting demeanor. She helps ease the anxiety that comes with being in a doctor’s office and getting all types of tests run. She makes me feel comfortable enough to talk with her about anything.

NOTE: this is an important part of health care. You are not stuck with just any cracker jack MD with an ego so big that he/she thinks they know what you’ve come for before you open your mouth. You need to doctor shop. See the doctors that accept your insurance and try to go meet with them to see their personality and see if they are right for you. If you don’t like the doctor you have, you can leave. Doctors need to be courteous and give good customer service too. You do have some power.

Anyway some of the other reasons I like my doctor is because the entire health system is digital/paperless. She can see everything from my exam with my gynecologist, ER visits, medications, etc, and it speeds up the process. I was in and out in about less than 45 minutes. I have to say they are fast.

So bottom line… If you haven’t seen a doctor in over a year, please go schedule your visit. It will only be for the better.

Stay Blessed!

Techie Tuesday!!! June 26, 2011

So I really had a tech filled weekend and week. It all started on the Monday of last week. The heat was so intense that Monday. All of a sudden 2 of the three air conditioners in our office konk out. They just die along with 4 computers in my office that fried… Well actually the hard drives fried. I usually tunnel into these computers to large statistical analyses.

So there I was stuck with no way to use those computers. But I wasn’t worried. I think to myself “no sweat! I’ll just do some writing on my computer. I try to use my laptop and all of a sudden, the screen is flickering and then blows out. WHOA! WTH! The devil is a liar! TD Jakes, please hold me back because my temper's about boiling! I try to restart it and all I get is a computer that is on with no screen! See my life! OMG!

So I run to the computer lady and we deduce that the HEAT… yes good old mother nature…. Is responsible for my laptop too. I have an HP TX2500 convertible tablet which I love so dearly. What I don’t love however, is how HP designed the fan system and motherboard. Apparently the computer overheats because there is some coil or something that is in the wrong place. The overheated computer fried the battery, caused my charging plug to catch on fire and …. Caused my video card to fry, thus no laptop to work with. Thank God that he spared my hard drive.

The obituary read as follows…
“After 4 faithful years, Angelito-PC, the convertible tablet has died. It died of video card failure and motherboard overheating, but had complications of the battery. Angelito-PC being of good nature was listed as an organ donor and decided to donate its parts to the Angel Fund on Ebay, the Angel fund puts money in the pocket of …Angel. Angelito-PC died on Monday and the funeral was on Friday. It is survived only by a hard drive. It will be greatly missed.”

Poor Angelito-PC…. That was her name. She was so faithful. Most people who have HP tablets part with it after two years, but she gave me 4 good long years. :)

Anyway, to make a long story short… Luckily, my hard drive was intact. I channeled the inner techie in me and bought an ASUS from BestBuy. Those geek squad guys there are money hungry. They wanted to sell me glorified crap. I’m not paying $1000 for something that runs just like a $300 machine. Anyway through the power of Google I did some investigation and found that ASUS seems pretty good. They started by making motherboards, but now make laptops and what not. They don’t come in fancy boxes, they don’t come with lots of paper and instructions, they don’t have bells and whistles like fingerprint readers or iris scanner or touch screens but they have a sturdy, functional, design and they are FAST. I made it even faster by switching out the hard drive myself with a faster one (7200 RPM), and turned the original ASUS hard drive that came in the computer and the tablet hard drives both into bootable external hard drives! Yay me! So now I have 3 computers in 1. Lol. That’s my techie Tuesday.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

American Wonda (Wonder)

I know you're thinking "Why did she put this old school looking, zulu video on her page". Well its ibibio firstly, secondly I needed to google what american wonder meant. Now you wanna know why I'm googling American Wonder, well I was talking to a friend today, the conversation kinda turned into a admonishment of how much I really need to brush up on my "naija-ness". Given that I never lived in Nigeria or schooled there, I think I am doing pretty darn good. But I guess not now cuz I was told that the moment I land, they would sing "American Wonda" for me. Errmmm I guess. I dunno. I didnt even know what an american wonder was until I was told to google it... so i did. Anyway no one has sung "American Wonder" for me in the past. So i dont see why they would start. And there are lots of people in Nigeria right now, that at some point in time were in the good ole US of A. We are not isolated from the rest of the world. Nigerian is so Westernized. So why do people find the need to make someone from US going to naija such a big deal? Matter o fact, people in nigeria are more "american wonder" than some people living in the US. Have you ever met a naija kid born and raised in the USA that has an accent thicker than Dame Patience Jonathan? Well they are there. We get some razzos here sha. Have you seen a dude wearing a wife beater and wrappa to the corner store in Brooklyn? Hey sh*t happens. Anyway I think that one great thing about me is I adapt quickly. I've learned enough pidgin on facebook to get me by in Eko. Biko, I even picked up some serious Igbo on twitter so Enugu here I come.

I mean, I've met people in Nigeria who don't speak their ethnic language, speak with a british accent, but have only left the country once or twice to vacation. I dont know if its because of the schools they went to or because of "forming" but We have that. We also have Nigerians who schooled in yankee or jand for a year then return back to Nigeria with some hypnotic notion that they were never in Nigeria, never felt naijas heat, never experienced Nepa, never saw a chicken get killed. Cummon! Is your accent Naija, British, or American? Just be yourself. To all my Hormorlolars and Shardays you are not the only one who watched Harry Potter, so stop with all the fonee.

Reminds me of trip I took to Nigeria. On the way back to the US I saw a girl I know. We are not friends, but we know eachother so it was good to see a familiar face at the airport, but once we sat down together she started doing this "naija" thing that I hate. I hate when for some reason we want to extract info then form to try to top it. Maka why? She asked why I came, I said vacation, she said same plus wedding. I said cool. She asked where I was, I said Lagos, she added "oh no abuja? i went to abuja and lagos, you really must go to abuja. its so much better". I let her know i've been there and yes its nice, but I like Lagos. She said "oh, well when last did you come to naija, how often" I just said vaguely i try if I can, if not then I just dont travel. So i asked her the same thinking she would say summer and winter or something. the way she was flipping her weave and wearing her sunglasses and forming (I love this word). But when she answerd and said 9 years! Jesu! 9 years? and you are going on like u run naija? okay o. I said why 9 years, she said because she came to school in usa 9 years ago. I mean i have no problem with that, but she was just confusing me because she was doing "american wonder" but also was doing "lagos babes". Then she proceeded to complain that Nigeria is so hot, she is not used to it. This place could kill her, blah blah. Puhlese!!! I wanted to just slap her. You are Nigerian. right? You know the longitude and latitude of this country! What the freak else do you expect? I just excused myself after that and went to the lounge because really, I was tired of the fakeness. Be YOU. Be open! and if you already know naija, dont look down on it. dont look down on the heat, the electricity, the anything because you went to school abroad a few years. We are all naijas and yes we want to better our country, but we dont have to look down on naija or the people in naija. I'm a proud Nigeria. I can eat gari and say it proudly. Stop the forming.

Sorry i'm jumping around on topics but actually another american wonder topic i just thought about were all these Nollywood videos that make "american wonder" women into stupid lazy mumus or brats, and "american wonder" boys into ghetto hood rats strung out on crack. Is that how we Nigerians abroad are returning home? lol or is it just what they see on tv? or is it based on experiences? It just irks me seeing Jim Ike in movies playing a dumb dope head from detroit or mama g playing a 20 year old NYC babe.

Okay let me jump around a little bit more. While i was blogging, I was listening to real American Wonders.... Chris Brown and Beyonce!!!!! They are my american wonders. I love them.

Its Techie Tuesday July 19, 2010

So my Techie Tuesday focus is Startup Weekend Lagos!!!!!

I'm sure you are wondering what Startup Weekend is, well the concept behind Startup Weekend is 54-hours of “No Talk, All Action” where developers, designers, marketers, product managers and startup enthusiasts come together to share ideas, form teams, build products, and launch startups!

Another way to say it is You Pitch, You Build, You Present, You Win.... well you pray you win. Startup Weekend usually produces some top Tech Companies and competition is cut throat because prizes include access to investors, opportunities to pitch ideas, Cash prizes, incorporation of the business, mentoring, trips overseas, etc.

Startup Weekend has generated over 503 successful startups and have cycles over 27,000 entrepreneurs through the Startup Weekend Camp. I think that's pretty impressive.

Let me disclose the conflict of interest. I'm on the planning committee of Startup Weekend Lagos, so yeah I'm excited about it! But I am also a Startup Weekend Alumni. So I know the value added by an event like this coming to Lagos.

Anyway the event is for Techies and non-technical people alike. If you have ideas, you like entrepreneurship and enterprise, you can effectively work in teams, and have the drive to create, this event is for you. There are  specific numbers of tickets available for people with technical skills like programming, graphic design, etc, as well as tickets for non-technical people like marketing, business, etc, and tickets for spectators that like to just see the process.

The event takes place from September 9-11 at the Canton Concourse in Lagos Nigeria. If you want more information, want to apply to attend, or want to get involved or sponsor the event please do contact us on the website.

Here's a cool video for you to get what it's all about!

The Entrepreneurial Spirit from Justin Gutwein of ShineOn on Vimeo.

This video is a peek into the Startup Weekend Culture. By the way, there were two Nigerian on the top winning teams of Startup Weekend Baltimore. One will be speaking at our event in Lagos!

Make sure to mark the date and follow Startup Weekend Lagos on facebook @SWLagos

Sunday, July 17, 2011

I love my country... Nigeria!

When I was younger, I would ride the school bus to school on the first day of school after a summer vacation in Nigeria and my friends would ask me all kinds of "kindergarden" questions about if we have lions, swing on trees, have paved roads, lived in huts. When I was really young, I hated it. I was the little know it all in school, and it really irked me that they were so "dumb" (in my eyes when i was small). I even hated Coming to America when I was young cuz I thought it a misrepresentation. lol. I just have to laugh at me at age 9 and 10.

Anyway as I got older I learned to play along, crack jokes back, and even initiate. And I have to say, I love Coming to America and Phat Girlz. lol

So to all my 4rd grad and 5th grade bus buddies who never stepped a day in their life out of Wilmington Delaware... Yes we have paved streets in Nigeria.... LOL

Here's a video of a road in Ikoyi, Lagos, Nigeria.

And if you can afford to hang, bring your effizie to Abuja... for the Non-Nigerians, effizie's like swag

Lets head back to the city I love... Lagos! Here are pictures of Lagos. And to be real, there is a good side too.. not just the bad. though there are alot of things that can be improved, you can also enjoy yourself with the good the bad and beautiful in Nigeria

And to my non Nigerian Friends!!!!!! Check this out! When you are ready, come join me on a trip to Nigeria. You wont regret it

Is achebe right

I found this interesting... someone from the Save Nigeria group on Facebook asked "Is Achebe right? 'A true patriot will always demand the highest standards of his country and accept nothing but the best for and from his people. He will be outspoken in condemnation of their short-comings without giving way to superiority, despair or cynicism. This is my idea of a patriot.'-Chinua Achebe in "The Trouble With Nigeria"."

My response... "He is missing one thing.... A patriot should not only highlight the problems and expect better, but be a catalyst for improvement, Embody the things he expects, and constantly add to the discussion of things that move us towards a solution...."

I might not always agree with this Save Nigeria Group. I actually think it sometimes crosses the line to endorse candidates when the members have not agreed, but hey, its facebook. I just signed up to see what they have to say. But I feel like we take alot of time to "say" than to "do" Its just as bad as those who stand quiet to let it happen, but just a lot noisier. I know people say its not easy to take action in a society that has some of the problems so deep rooted, but i think at some point, a stance needs to be made. People need to mass together to say its enough. 

The Bible 3D IMAX

I really love stories like Thor, Green Lantern, Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings.  They are really suspenseful. They sell out in the box office too because of all the flying quiditch balls, the action and love scenes. This past week, Harry Potters last movie came out and It really sold like usual at the box office. People have been gaga over JK rowling! How does she do it? What is she doing?

I know as a Christian I should like Harry Potter because of the witch craft. I try to tune that out and like the movie for the great directing (Lord please forgive me) But it makes wonder why they haven't had the same success with bible stories. I mean... why can they take the story of david and make it like Lord of the rings? A small little Jewish farm hobbit has to fight a huge Goliath in a pasture 300 style. That would be awesome!

The second movie in the thrillogy would be when that King wants to kill david and the third would be bathsheba. Matter of fact, we can keep going and head straight into solomon. Dude's story is great. we would do the same for Joseph and Ester and other Bible great. When I read the bible it reads better than JK Rowling  at least the amplified version does. I mean. When I watch spartacus on Starz, I feel like i could be watching Daniel in the lions den.

I watched that TD jakes movie jumping the broom. It sure was good, and it hid christian values in a really good story plot. Issues of abstinence were woven into the plot in a way that just made you say yeah some people wait and made it seem normal. It didnt shove it down peoples throat. It made people  subconsciously open to the idea.

After all they say the devil tries to make things appealing so you let him in without even knowing. Maybe we as Christians need to get off our high horse about what is acceptable ways to get out a message. More people would be open to Christ if we told his story in the way we understand it nowadays. Jesus told parables to help us understand. Now we dont speak in parables, we speak in Facebook statuses and tweets and trailers.

Check out this Manga version of the bible. Comic Book style. What do you think ? (By the way, a Nigerian is behind this idea! I think it's awesome)

Medicine goes down better with sugar, not castor oil.

The new Nollywood

What in the world are nollywood movies coming to nowadays?! They are just big pornfests. I watched one movie about who could out slut who. The other movie was starring Tonto Dike. She was sleeping with her father. She met a guy, introduced him to her family and both the father and step mother wanted to sleep with him. Infact, she had a threesome with the guy and her dad. Yuck X 10. 

Cant we get back to the wholesome stories about wicked stepmoms, wicked mother-in-laws, wicked sisters, thieves... i mean politicians, local champions, mr ibu, usofia, etc. i mean stories dont even end with a prayer and "To God be the Glory" anymore. I miss that. now it's too much raunch! or am i wrong?

American Jewelry for an African Queen

I was at the Lansing Art Festival a while ago and saw these beautiful Jewelry sets. They are all made from materials found in Michigan quarries. The designer finds the stones herself, polishes them, and makes the pieces. I could really see myself wearing these pieces with native Nigerian outfits. Native jewelry for a native kinda lady. The problem is, one necklace is like 4 grand. Sorry, I can buy 3 round trip tickets to Nigeria with that money. But it's nice to look at. If you can afford it, here's the info.The designs are by Any Johnson Designs. Please do check out her website. 
Earth and Sky $3800 USD

My Winning for the Week

Ok I have two this week.... they aren't people, they are products.

The first is the Vibram 5 toed shoe.... apparently that brand is WINNING cuz I see it everywhere. Granted I haven't yet seen it on anyone other than Oyimbo (White ppl) but none the less, I think it is a shoe for everyone and pretty cool looking. I plan to get my pair this week. I can't wait to rock them when I head to Naija this summer. Hehehe. I can see their reaction now. lol

I met a guy wearing these shoes when I went to get sushi and had to ask him about them. First of all, he let me know its pronounced (V-eye-brum) but I'm still gonna call it anyhow, I dont care. I asked him how they felt.
Him: "They feel really comfortable. Its like I'm walking barefoot. I haven't had them long but they are cool."
Me: Like you are walking barefoot... hmmmm. Do you feel every rock and grain of sand on the ground in those shoes? Has something ever pricked your foot?
Him: " Not at all. I feel like I'm walking with regular sneakers except more comfortable. Think Feet on a cloud" 
Me: Like a cloud?
Him: Yes
Me: Wow okay... I guess I better get a pair then.
Him: Yeah I got these from Playmakers on the way to Meridian Mall? (Thats for Michigan people)
Me: Okay cool... can I take a pic
Him: Sure *chuckle*

Why am I still here?

Okay, so when I opened this blog, had a revelation that I really need to serve MY people. Who are my people? My Nigerian kindred. I felt a social responsibility to go back and bring my talents to Nigeria. I was so young... a little bit naive, and a lotta bit bold. I was ready to move back INSTANTLY. Here's the thing. Both of my parents were in the United States, well my mom was back and forth, but I grew up in the USA and I didn't fully understand the dynamics of the Nigerian culture.

Anyway a lot of things have happened since then and now. I've grown a few grey hairs (metaphorically speaking), and I have experienced a little more of Nigeria, the Good, the Bad and the And I have come to realize a few things. I've come to accept these things, and even with knowing these things, I still have the  fire in my belly to take my behind to Nigeria.... I think that speaks wonders.

Anyway this is what I realized...

1) Nigeria is a very funny place. Nothing is as it seems. No one is as they seem and have to sort of grow and open your third eye.

2) Nigerian time doesnt just apply to parties... one hour is five, one month is one year, and you better have backups for my backups because having that deal done by tomorrow is really having it indefinitely postponed in some cases.

3) Words are words, they really mean nothing. Yes means maybe, Maybe means don't hold your breathe, and no means they will be doing it without you.

4) Agenda is the word of the day. Everyone has one. Friends, Family, coworkers, etc. I may not be your friend because I like you, but because of my agenda, I may not marry you because I love you, but because of agenda, I may not fund your business because I believe it will succeed, but because I can hold it over your relatives head that I helped you. lol

I could go on and on, but at least i've learned a few things. That being said. WHAT AM I still doing here????? Why am I still in the US of A?

Well you can't just up and dash to Nigeria. You need to test the waters, you need to go in phases. You need to strategize. You also need to psych yourself out. I think I'm doing just that.

My friend said Nigeria is an Extended camping trip. You dont go without being prepared. After all, just like camping there may be no light or running water, but there will definitely be mosquitoes. You need to get all your camping gear ready for Nigeria.

Anyway as the planning stage has come to an end I feel like I will start taking that trip pretty soon.

Beauty Starts From Within... 6 ways to keep your youthful look

1. Water: 
Yes we already know this. Water is important. 8 cups... but when they say 8 cups it sounds almost impossible. Does it sound better when they say only four 16 Fl Oz bottles?  Thats one in morning, one at  lunch, one before you leave work and one before bed. Now that's not so bad.
I take GNC's Women's 2-a-days plus Fish oil and Vitamin Shoppe Skin-Hair-Nails. They work wonders for me. You can also just take a prenatal vitamin. If you are of childbearing age, might as well to keep you eggs fortified hehe. Anyway back to that youthful look. Taking your vitamins at the same time each day, either morning, lunch, dinner, or bedtime helps your body regulate and know when its going to use these things. I take my SHN vitamins and fishoil before bed so my body can repair over night and the GNC vitamins in morning. 
3. Clean Colon: 
Yeah I went there... fix your plumbing. I take this thing called Yerba Primer daily to keep me regular. Takes out all those un wanted toxins and gunk stuck on my walls. 

4. Defeat the meat: 
I love me some steak. But i really feel heavy and sluggish when I eat meat. Also, I noticed my face looks dull too. I try to eat more salads, but spinach salads to avoid anemia. You can add raisins too. I do eat meat, but I try to limit myself. 

5. Workout: 
Sweat out those toxins. purge your pores. It helps. 

6. Caffeine Free: 
Caffeine in  your diet is so bad for your face. It dehydrates you and makes your face sooo dry and dull. Try to stay away from soda, coffee and black tea. If you like tea, try the herbal teas that are caffeine free like mint leaf or chamomile.

Those are my six ways to keep looking young from the inside. I must say though that two external thing that help are Black Opal face cream and Clean and Clear Caffeine Facewash. Caffeine is great from the outside, but bad from the inside. 

Is Nigeria Natural Friendly? and "Whats a 4b?"

All day I've been looking for how to maintain natural hair in Nigeria. And all i have to say is "discouraging". 

I read one blog about how a girl who kept her hair natural in Nigeria would get told by coworkers that its distracting and unprofessional. I saw the pictures and her twists looked so nice and professional. Check out her story here

I seems Nigerians are notjustokay with natural hair. Check out these comments on Black Girl Long Hair  

unless its fake natural style. lol 

But there are a few that really embrace it.
 They even have a Natural Hair Meet-up. I hope they have one when I visit. 

I read the same issues with natural hair at work thing here too

But I read further on this site and I love it. Leave in the Kinks 

 It reminded me of how I got back to my natural style in college. I used to rock afros and twists so much back then. 
Now i just wear weaves and braids to protect my hair. But every once in a while, I want to go natural with my hair blown out, or twisted or pressed. And I dont always want to do it myself. I would love if there was a place in Lagos or Abuja where I could go and get my hair done, get my hair trimmed, get it deep conditioned. I guess I just have to set up a little hair salon in my room whenever I go. 

While we the topic of hair.... as I was searching online I kept seeing "pressing techniques for 4b", blowout for 4a etc. I kept wondering what people meant by my hair is 4a, 4c 4b. I was thinking color cuz im a 1b, but sometimes i like to add a little 33... boy was i wrong. It refers to texture of the hair. Find out your texture here​hair-types.found out I'm like a mix of 4a and 4b strands randomly mixed through

I also found these cool videos that show the different hair types

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

White Soup (Afia Efere)

Okay being Nigerian, you get to hear some really crazy and outlandish stereotypes about the various cultures in Nigeria, but there is one stereotype that I HAVE to stick to... Calabar (Efik, Ibibio, Annang, Eket, etc) people can throw down! Okay maybe not every Calabar person can cook, but their culture has some really delectable dishes. I love Edikang-Ikong, Ekpang Nkukwo, Editan and more...

But I really must say my favorite dish of all is White Soup! Afia Efere! Yum! I think it is my most favorite soup of all Nigerian soups I have tasted... Scratch that... Replace Nigerian with African. It the best thing ever. Its basically a really light soup  with no oil in it that you can cook with fish and periwinkle and other stuff. You eat it with Pounded Yam and it goes down so easily. If you eat a nicely sized portion, you feel full without feeling HEAVY/SLUGGISH.

When I first saw it, it was funny because I was wondering if they just boiled meat. "Where is the stew", I asked. But I'm open, so I took a bit when I ate it (yes i ate it with my hands), it felt and tasted a little like okra soup but lighter. It draws just a little. But the flavor was yummy.

Now I need to learn how to make this dish myself so that I'm not deprived.

Until then, here is a list of sites with the recipe. Some of the recipes have small variations, so pick the one that is more to your taste. If you try it out, post a pic or video link in the comments below and let us know how easy/hard it was. Maybe we'll have a cook off.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

The Boys on the Street Foundation

I  just came up with an idea... I'm dashing it to anyone who would like to take it and make it a reality... The Boys on the Street Foundation. It would ideally be for a male who wants to give back to young nigerian boys on the street (area boys), giving them food, resources, scholarships, educational aid, maybe even teaching them tech skills, mentoring, promoting converting their street smarts into entrepreneurial savvy.... wouldn't that be great?! Someone please pick this idea up and run with it... its free of charge. BTW it could be run and operated by a woman too. I just thought male to male mentorship was a great way to go.

Brown Betty

My new favorite spot to just spoil myself and my diet is Brown Betty Boutique Cupcakes. I was shopping in the Liberty Place Mall in Philadelphia and saw this tiny little standing room only shop packed to the brim with people.

 I went over to see what all the commotion was about and saw these beautiful delectable little cupcakes. Some are made with poundcake and buttercream frosting, some with cake cake and real icing, some with fondant. They have some really creative mixtures with really cool names and some really flavorful rich tasting bites. They also have cookies and brownies and other to die for snacks. 

To top it off, I was sent jumping for joy when I found out this is a black owned Oprah certified (Shoot.. Oprah is a big deal) local shop in Philadelphia. All things I love to see. 
You can read more about their story here

And see pictures more cool pictures here 

And here is their information... stop by and say hi and BUY!

EL's got Talent...local urban arts

Okay, so I didn't really used to think that East Lansing had any creative arts notches on its belt except for the whole big jazz scene in old town, but I got a little taste of Urban Expression ... 

Lifesize handmade chess set?! 
Whoa, fancy and functional. Heavy wood pieces probably give a good workout too. 

Local Indie/Rock Band?
Double Whoa!!!! These guys were just on a bench in an ally practicing their MUZAK. It was really good. 

Graffiti Wall Art??
In little old East Lansing? Triple Whoaaaaa! These works of art remind me of NYC trains covered with tags of gang members. But this is a little different. You can obviously see the artistic element in these. Pretty heavy. 

Friday, June 3, 2011

10 Fun Ways to Stay Fit

So... In my quest to get that coveted beach body, I decided to start thinking of ways to stay fit. They can be fun. They don't have to be a bore. WARNING: These tips are suggested only for people over age 18.

1) Grab your iPod. Strip to your skivvies. and press play to one of your Fav house DJ's or Naija DJs. Now start dancing around in the house. Chairs and tables are not off limits. Do your best Ciara impersonation. Shake the areas you don't normally shake or that are problem areas. Got a Big butt? Shake what your mama gave ya "O Oh O Oh O Oh" like Beyonce. A little too much love in those love handles, twist and gyrate like Shakira. Make Ms. Jackson (Janet) proud. Don't be shy, you are by yourself and it's a great way to feel more comfortable with your body, your sexuality, and great practice for going out dancing with friends and for your significant other.

2) Got a late night craving for Micky D's? Drop those car keys.. WALK your butt there. You either A) get discouraged about the walk and forget about the late night craving, or B) burn the calories off walking there so you feel less guilty eating it... try to stick to something with less calories. They now have the calorie label on the products. You walk may only burn you 200-400 Calories so if you get an item thats 1000 calories or more, then you are putting yourself further from your beach body than just staying at home.

3) Grocery shopping sucks huh? Well why do you need to keep a stocked fridge? Its just a waste of money. If you know what you are going to cook, just buy those ingredients you need .Anything else, snacks or junk, leave them at the grocery store unless its those healthy celery sticks or apples or lots of bottled water. I think its more fun to do other things than grocery shop, and it leaves the temptation out.

4) This kind of goes along with number 1. Girls night out!!!!! Your highest heels and that crazy need to dance for at least 2 hours straight. This doesnt work if you go to the club to form or front. It only works if you are ready to dance like Sasha Fierce. And rather than messing up the calorie count with drinks, have water or a skinny girl margarita... You'll thank me in the morning.

5)Walk the city. If you are a city dweller, you know this can burn some cals. If you are going to go down town to shop with your girls, dont take the bus or subway or car directly to the station closest to the store... go a couple of blocks out of the way. Then get off and walk. You don't realize how far you are walking when you are having a good convo with your girl pals.

6) Hiking. Yes I said it... Hiking. Black people hike too. Hiking can be fun. The trails really work out your thighs, calves, and butt. And if you are with your girls, once again its a great time to have those one on one convo's about life, men, and fashion. If you are with your SO, its a great time to bring a blanket with you to have a little romp in the woods before hiking back out... That will definitely bring some excitement.

7) Did you see Kim Kardashian in that Sketchers shape up commercial? She was sexy right? Mmmmm Hmmm so this bring me to tip number 7. Try to incorporate your SO in your workout routine. Let him stretch your legs for you, spot you as you lift, and hold your legs for you while you do sit ups to a kiss as a reward. It adds spice to the relationship, it get him motivated to work out too, and both of you are happy with a sexy SO with a toned beach body.

8) We all have heard our mothers tell us to sit like a lady... Yeah thats great, but if you are alone in your office or at home, try more awkward positions. It helps increase blood flow, helps stretch your muscles and lets you burn more calories that a traditional sitting position.

9) Group Sports! I know we women think sometimes that we just need to be cute in the gym on the elliptical. Yeah that can get boring really quickly. Try signing up for group activities and sports like volleyball, soccer, softball, crew, or group fitness classes like zumba, belly dancing, flirty girl fitness and taebo. You get the social support to keep doing it from the group. You get positive reinforcement from them too. You make new friends. And believe it or not, some guys like to see and smell their lady sweat especially when their aggressive competitive side comes out. That can be sexy.

10) You didn't think I was gonna go there did you? Well my number ten suggestion is SEX! Yes SEX can be a real calorie burner. But you just cant lay there. Take charge. prolong the act. Try different positions. Stretch your muscles. You are not doing it right until you get muscle cramps. Its something that works all parts of your body. Especially your legs and your abs.  (DISCLAIMER: This is something that I suggest to be done within the bounds of marriage and with proper protection if you are unable to stick to the confines of marriage) hehe had to put it there.

Weekly WTF: Whoaaaa Double Rainbow!!!!!

If you haven't seen this before it's bound to make you piss your pants laughing.... shoot, even if you HAVE seen this before, it's bound to make you piss your pants laughing all over again. People have time sha! Double Rainbow Ko, LSD Ni. I seriously couldn't breath after watching this.

Warning: We are not responsible for any health conditions aggrivated by watching this clip, if you have asthma, have your inhaler handy, if you have heart problems, watch with caution.

The guy posted this video in January, but it didnt go viral until When Jimmy Kimmel Tweeted the Video. lol

Here is the guy on the Jimmy Kimmel Show lol

The rainbow was so viral it reached autotunes status... lol

And here's what the Kiddies had to say about it... lol

Ask God to make you a blessing!

Wow I was really caught off guard when I got a FB message from a person who will remain unnamed. It left me totally uplifted with the Holy Spirit and a Testimony that your words can bless and curse. Your mouth is strong. And in this day of technology and social media, the words you type are too. It showed me that you have to choose wisely the words you use and use your mouth/hands to bless people. And when you bless them, praise God because that means He blessed you with the ability to be a blessing! After this convo I am truly Blessed and Highly Favored.

This convo has been edited for brevity and to protect the identity of the person I corresponded with.

Person: you are such a blessing to me.I'll live to thank God for sending you to my own world.wherever you are is never a barrier to the unending blessings you sent out to my life.You may not have known this but keep preaching the WORDS.It really work wonders!
Me: Me?
Person: God bless you forever!
Me: Amen. God bless you too
Person: never you stop saying the words of God to your friends on daily basis, that;s your calling
i key into the words you sent sometimes early January and am profoundly promoted today.
You had offered to assist me for a job then even without knowing me personally

Me: wow!
Person: but through that ur goodwill and prayers, God bless me with a job.
working now with ___ here in ___. 
Me: we thank God! wow! Keep His words in your heart. i will keep you in my prayers
Person: I will.That's my promise to Him.
Me: God will continue to bless you and your generations
Person: Amem
Me: and remember to be a blessing to others. i pray for him to make me a blessing to others in any way possible, so pray the same. i am sooooo happy for you

Person: i will by his good grace!
Me: wow. i dont know you but im filled with joy for you. we thakn God!
Person: Amen.say it again! There is power in your mouth...use it wisely. Bless and bless always. snatch people from devil kingdom to the Kingdom of God.Go for it...God will continue to lead you. in the mighty name of Jesus! Amen.

Me: Amen!
Well have a blessed day ____! dont be a stranger either and congrats on your job!!!!
Person: Never will be! Am a full blown , tested and confirm child of God.
Me: Halleluiah
Person: God have taken me through the wilderness to the promise land and this is the palce to be.No going back! In his presence, there is fullness of joy!

A day in the park

I love Philadelphia so much. I have lived in MANY MANY places and been to many cities but Philly really does it for me. Anyway I took a walk in the park and thought I would show you pictures from my little excursion. 
(fountain at Rittenhouse Park)
Rittenhouse Park is a cool place to go. There are restaurants and shops all around the park area. The park itself is a cool place to just sit and relax with friends on one side and a starbucks coffee from the barnes and nobles on the corner in hand. 

(local african drum  musician playing for children in the park)
You usually find performers giving free shows in the park: singing, dancing, capoera, and more. You usually see bistanders in the park adding crowd participation.

(my new best friend... for the day)
You also see trendy city dwellers romping around in the park with their best pooch pals. 

Ritten House park

Tech Thursday... soon to be Techie Tuesday

So I am not a techie in any way. I can't code and such, but I love tech related things. I love the newest tech toys that come out. You will catch me eyeing phones, laptops, 3D-tvs lol yes thats me. And I love tech companies, apps, and such because its so amazing how people can make million dollar start ups from an idea and an ability (coding) and ability to make it popular. Other products, you need actual materials to build, capital, etc, but if you have a great idea and can show a beta version of a product, people will pay you to make it big and monetize it. Well this is my non-tech, non-business saavy take on the whole process.

So that being said, I will start talking about tech stuff on tuesdays. But because I just couldn't wait, I just wanted to post the following cool things I found...

1)I found such a cool website afrinnovators Check them out..

2)Along the same lines, here's another one TechLoy pretty cool sites & lets me keep up with tech info so i can impress my techie friends

3) Garage 48. A Startup Weekend like event that is more known in eastern Europe, garage 48 came to Nigeria. Check out what they accomplished in one weekend...

4)I like the concept of you never know if your idea will hit. Post it up and see what people think.

5)Here is Go2Gurl... a pro service 4 Nigeria. Its for Nigerian professional who are a) moving back, b) opening a business, c) need a professional assistant and need professional help doing it all. If this is you, use but my question is "is it worth it/would you use it?"

6) Lastly, I was on Craigslist the other day and just to check, I realized there is no Craigslist in Nigeria. There is one in SA, Ghana, but no Naija. Whats up with that? Do People really consider us that shady? Maybe we've been banned... hope not.

Anyway interesting things. Let me know what you think or if there is something that you recommend

My New Do!

So this is a late post. The picture is from about a month ago, but I took my hair out of my token weave and decided to go get it cut. It seriously needed a cut, because split ends were making it look like a seriously hot mess. Anyway I went to the salon and I sweat this woman has the magic touch. Usually, I go to the salon and it takes them forever to wash and dry my hair because it is long and natural. 

(These are old pics of my crazy hair. You rarely see my own hair nowadays because weaves have invaded my life)

This time, I think it took less than 30 mins to wash dry and press my hair. Miracle Workers! Trumpets blowing. Tada! This is the result. 30 minutes later my hair was 4 inches shorter. Check out the pics. Let me know if you like the cut/style. I may keep it like this for a while. 

About Me

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I'm Miss Adelaja. I'm a student, an artist, a fashionista, an innovator, and entreprenuer. Watch me as I navigate through this thing called life on a mission to succeed. Who know where it will lead me? US, Naija, Europe, the Moon. Lets go there. I know you will enjoy the ride.